Monday, August 1, 2011

Military - Australia/US Alliance

1. The defence minister,Stephen Smith is in charge of Australia's armed forces and defence.
2. The Brookings Institution where Smith deliver his speech is located in Washington DC and is an organisation which conducts research in social society, governments and economics.
3. The role of the Australia/US Alliance is to support each country when defence or other issues may need assistance to be resolved. It is important because they can discuss issues involving North Korea.
4. That Asia Pacific has to be involved, and it is exposed to Asia pacific and is becoming very important.
5. Australia has aided with many organisations and helped with its strategic position. These include systems related to ballistic-missile early warning, intelligence collection , submarine communications, and satellite-based communications.
6. The minister said that 9000 Australian companies did business in the US. He also said that they pay an average wage of $US70,000 ($63,490) per employee per annum.
7. Australia is especially important because they infact have something to give back to the US regarding as we have somewhat more power than other countries due to our resources.
8. The country is China.
9. Australia is trying to foster with the US to aid in duture security challenges and change, and they want to be allies and be in a powerful situation in case they need defense or aid.
10. This is extremely important for Australia because it will help Australia's economy to grow and to help Australia's defence and security be strong.


1. An asylum seeker is a person who has fled their own country and applies to the government of another country for protection as a refugee.
2. Some may fled countries because they may be in fear of their life. According to the United Nations Convention and Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees (the Refugee Convention), a refugee is a person who is outside their own country and is unable or unwilling to return due to a well-founded fear of being persecuted because of their:
  • race
  • religion
  • nationality
  • membership of a particular social group
  • political opinion.
3. People will be allowed into the country if they pass through immigration and have been determined that if they return to their country their human rights will be directly denied.
4. The countries where most asylum seekers are coming from is Indonesia, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, East Timor.


1. The deal between Australia and Malaysia includes swapping 800 asylum seekers for 4000 actual refugees.
2. They will have rights and dignity when they are swapped. They will be treated with respect and will have human rights and also be able to work.
3. They normally treat them with great disrespect, including caning them and putting them in great distress.
4. Yes children are sent to Mayalsia.
5. They are going to stay in Australia and be processed not sent to Mayalsia.
6. They truly want Human Rights.
7. To deter the asylum seekers from coming to Australia, because they are going to be turned to Malaysia.
8. Yes it will work, because the Australian people will be at peace of mind as they are being delt with.