Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Outline the main geographical processes relevant to Coastal Management

Outline the main geographical processes relevant to Coastal Management.

There are many geographical processes that are related and relevant to coastal management.

Hydraulic Action: Waves crashing against a headland and entering cracks in the rock. The air that was already inside the crack is now compressed by the water, creating pressure and consequently eroding the rock. Blow holes are sometimes created by Hydraulic Action. This effectively can create coastal management as the eroding rock can effect the general shape of the land, people who have properties on the land or other areas of the land that are wished to be preserved.

Corrosion: Different minerals leave a salty residue on rocks, this being the result of them being wet by waves crashing against them and then the rock itself drying out. This salty residue then acts, chemically eroding with the minerals already present in the rock. This can be a cause for coastal management as many houses have been built on rock and put under danger from the erosion creating a possibility for the house the fall apart ontop of the eroding rock. The salt and mineral can also cause metal to rust which can become and issue for buildings and structures near the coast.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


1. What is your initial reaction to the show?
       My initial reaction to show is that it was going to show that immigrants and refugees should not be taken into Australia as much as they are being allowed in by the title "Go Back To Where You Came From". However later in the show it was quite obvious that it was showing the true lives of refugees and the struggles they go through in comparison to our lives.

2.  What percentage of immigrants are refugees?
      7 percent are refugees.

3. Why does such a small number of people make for such a big deal both politically and in the media?
    I believe that people truly do not know the facts about immigrants and refugees. Political parties need something to compete over and the topic of refugees is very strong when trying to achieve votes for your particular party. Refugees also create a fear in Australians, potentially making them believe that their country could change due to these immigrants.

4. Where does Australia rank among countries accepting refugees?
      Australia ranks number 18th among other countries in relation to accepting refugees.

5. To what extent do we have an obligation to help other people suffering in the world?
      I believe Australia as a country should do as much as possible without disrupting other areas with regard to helping other people in the world deal with their suffering. Australia not only should help more for humanitarian reasons but also to create a stronger name for the country as a global citizen.

6. How much extra support do refugees receive in comparison to other Australian citizens?
   They recieve the same support as Australians do.

7.  How many Asian nations have signed the UN Refugee Convention?
     11 Asian nations have signed the convention.

8.  Why is it important to note that Malaysia has not signed the UN Refugee Convention? What does this mean for refugees in Malaysia?
      It is important because now refugees in Malaysia are not entitled to the same rights and refugees in other countries. These refugees are still available to punishments such as being whipped.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Military - Australia/US Alliance

1. The defence minister,Stephen Smith is in charge of Australia's armed forces and defence.
2. The Brookings Institution where Smith deliver his speech is located in Washington DC and is an organisation which conducts research in social society, governments and economics.
3. The role of the Australia/US Alliance is to support each country when defence or other issues may need assistance to be resolved. It is important because they can discuss issues involving North Korea.
4. That Asia Pacific has to be involved, and it is exposed to Asia pacific and is becoming very important.
5. Australia has aided with many organisations and helped with its strategic position. These include systems related to ballistic-missile early warning, intelligence collection , submarine communications, and satellite-based communications.
6. The minister said that 9000 Australian companies did business in the US. He also said that they pay an average wage of $US70,000 ($63,490) per employee per annum.
7. Australia is especially important because they infact have something to give back to the US regarding as we have somewhat more power than other countries due to our resources.
8. The country is China.
9. Australia is trying to foster with the US to aid in duture security challenges and change, and they want to be allies and be in a powerful situation in case they need defense or aid.
10. This is extremely important for Australia because it will help Australia's economy to grow and to help Australia's defence and security be strong.


1. An asylum seeker is a person who has fled their own country and applies to the government of another country for protection as a refugee.
2. Some may fled countries because they may be in fear of their life. According to the United Nations Convention and Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees (the Refugee Convention), a refugee is a person who is outside their own country and is unable or unwilling to return due to a well-founded fear of being persecuted because of their:
  • race
  • religion
  • nationality
  • membership of a particular social group
  • political opinion.
3. People will be allowed into the country if they pass through immigration and have been determined that if they return to their country their human rights will be directly denied.
4. The countries where most asylum seekers are coming from is Indonesia, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, East Timor.


1. The deal between Australia and Malaysia includes swapping 800 asylum seekers for 4000 actual refugees.
2. They will have rights and dignity when they are swapped. They will be treated with respect and will have human rights and also be able to work.
3. They normally treat them with great disrespect, including caning them and putting them in great distress.
4. Yes children are sent to Mayalsia.
5. They are going to stay in Australia and be processed not sent to Mayalsia.
6. They truly want Human Rights.
7. To deter the asylum seekers from coming to Australia, because they are going to be turned to Malaysia.
8. Yes it will work, because the Australian people will be at peace of mind as they are being delt with.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kevin Rudd and North Korea

1. Kevin Rudd is the foreign minister of Australia with his job ensuring that he looks after Australia's relations and issues with other countries. He also has to build relationships, his job is known to be the 2nd highest and most important under the prime minister.He looks after areas like trade, defense and security.
2. Kevin Rudd is concerned that Korea may be a threat to Australia with all their weapons and nuclear power. Korea is growing more aggressive and showing the world of their stonger abilities and capabilities.
3. Kevin Rudd was at the ASEAN Regional Forum to express his concern.
4. Korea attacked a South Korean naval frigate with torpedoes , shelled civilians’ homes across the border  and defied two UN Security Council resolutions by pursuing an enriched uranium weapons program.
5. Kevin is concerned that Australia's ties with North Korea are weakening and Korea being a large threat as they have this nuclear power and strength shown by the torpedoe attack making australia aware that Korea could be a major threat to our countries security. 
6. Kevin wants to bring the tension down between North Korea and the world, and show the world North Koreas growth in technology and weapons system. Kevin is making sure and showing the world that Australia has backing up from North Korea. This shows the world that Australia's relation is strong and will hopefully grow stronger.
7. This relationship will strengthen Australia's major allies as they also want the backing of North Korea, more countries will want to side with Australia as they know of North Korea's nuclear strength. However if countries disagree with North Korea's methods then Australia may lose allies and gain threats.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

(Australian Aid) Foreign Aid Review

Outline of the Foreign Aid Review article:
- That australia is increasing its money and support.
- There is not a real need for australia to be sending all of this money as poverty is slowly coming to a halt.
- Most countries are now gworing by themselves.
- Australia is now looking for more of an image.

The authors point of view on the story is that there is no true need for all of this earned Australian money needs to be sent out to other countries to solve their issues.
The reason Australia is giving such vigorous amounts of aid I believe is that they are trying to get a stronger image of our country in the eys of other countries to make them more significant in the large world we have today.

They are giving more money for various reasons. The benefits of giving aid give Australia stronger relationships with the people and countries they are supporting. It also helps bonds with countries and may oblige them to defend Australia if help in defense became neccesary. The negatives are that Australia could be using this money too help solve problems or support infrastructure in Australia itself.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


  1. What is it about the pressure system stalled over Australia that relates to the weather over the next 4 days? -----There is a frequent high pressure regions or anticyclones. This creates clear skies and fair weather usually occur in these regions. There are chances of cloud cover which are shown in the diagrams.
  2. What is the air pressure in each of the next 4 days for each of the capital cities? How does this correspond with the predicted weather for these cities? -----
  3. Adelaide
    Fine, cloudy
    Fine, cloudy
    Fine, partly cloudy
    Fine, cloudy
    Partly cloudy
    Possible Storm
    Mostly cloudy
    Fine, partly cloudy
    Mostly cloudy
    Mostly cloudy
    Fine, cloudy
    Fine, cloudy
    Fine, cloudy
    Fine, partly cloudy
    Fine, cloudy
    Fine, partly cloudy

1. 20 feet on the map equals 6.1 metres.
2. 1 miles equals 1.6 kilometres.
3. 859-680= 179/2.38