Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kevin Rudd and North Korea

1. Kevin Rudd is the foreign minister of Australia with his job ensuring that he looks after Australia's relations and issues with other countries. He also has to build relationships, his job is known to be the 2nd highest and most important under the prime minister.He looks after areas like trade, defense and security.
2. Kevin Rudd is concerned that Korea may be a threat to Australia with all their weapons and nuclear power. Korea is growing more aggressive and showing the world of their stonger abilities and capabilities.
3. Kevin Rudd was at the ASEAN Regional Forum to express his concern.
4. Korea attacked a South Korean naval frigate with torpedoes , shelled civilians’ homes across the border  and defied two UN Security Council resolutions by pursuing an enriched uranium weapons program.
5. Kevin is concerned that Australia's ties with North Korea are weakening and Korea being a large threat as they have this nuclear power and strength shown by the torpedoe attack making australia aware that Korea could be a major threat to our countries security. 
6. Kevin wants to bring the tension down between North Korea and the world, and show the world North Koreas growth in technology and weapons system. Kevin is making sure and showing the world that Australia has backing up from North Korea. This shows the world that Australia's relation is strong and will hopefully grow stronger.
7. This relationship will strengthen Australia's major allies as they also want the backing of North Korea, more countries will want to side with Australia as they know of North Korea's nuclear strength. However if countries disagree with North Korea's methods then Australia may lose allies and gain threats.

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