Wednesday, March 9, 2011



Aesthetics - (also spelled æsthetics or esthetics) is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, and with the creation and appreciation of beauty.

Aesthetics are related to the world because it is what attracts people to things possibly making things more important than others.

Safety - the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions; "insure the safety of the children"; "the reciprocal of safety is risk" a safe place; "He ran to safety"

Safety related to the world because without it injuries and deaths would be present almost anywhere. It is what measures are put in place to keep us healthy and well.

Slums - a run-down area of a city characterized by substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security
Slums relate to the world because it is where many people live and show lucky people like us how lucky we really are to be living where we are living.

Decay - the process of gradually becoming inferior, rotting.
Decaying is a natural process in life. Everything decays eventually and is then put into a cycle.

Reconstruction and renewal - the activity of constructing something again
This relates to the world because its a matter of maintaing things and keeping them functional so people can continue to use something safely.

 Transport - connveyance: something that serves as a means of transportation

Transport is important and relates to the world because everyone moves from point a to b and some use better methods of travelling that distance.

Suburbanisation - a term used to describe the growth of areas on the fringes of major cities. It is one of the many causes of the increase in urban sprawl.
Relates to life and the world because it is a mean of habitat for humans and a place where we can have a community and interact with eachother.

Environmental factors - are those determinants of disease that are not transmitted genetically. In more basic terms, an environmental factor is a caused, aided, or triggered by the environment.

These factors relate to the world becasue they are everywhere and truly determine ewhther we can do something or not.
Light and Sound - Two things that startle the sense of sight and hearing.
Without light and sound there would be no nature. We would not be able to see the beauty of nature or hear the sounds of nature. The world would be nothing since we need life to live.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


                                  STUARTS POINT QUESTIONS

1. Stuarts point stabilisation area is a small coastal village located on the mid north coast of NSW. The dune are is 5 kilometres long with a width of 200-400 metres.

2. 1970- The scheme started
    1893- A large flood caused the macleay river to break through the sand barrier at        southwest rocks.
    1965- Native plant seedlings were provided aswell as planting advice.
    1970- Re vegetation started planting into the dunes in an effort to stabillise them.

3. The role of the community was to conserve the barrier and look after the soil. They needed to check up with associations to get appropiate advice.

4. The sand barrier is important to the local community of Stuarts point because they need the barrier to protect house and other man man features from sea water rising.

5.  Plants go from small to larger as you get further away from the sea in the order of Primary species, Secondary species and Tertiary Species. Incipient dune protects the fore dune which together protect the Hind dune where non salt surviving plants can grow.

6. The vegetation is the sand dunes are there to support the sand dune and give it structure so it doesnt just bolow away in the wind. Sand dune has a pair but of roots within it.

7.  Cattle grazing was very bad for the dunes as it would just continue to destroy the sand drift control.

8. If the grazing continued then the incipent dune would be destroyed which will lead to the dissapearance of the rest of the dune resulting in huge losses of habitat for animals and loss of the dune.

9.  The groups involved are the Soil Conservation service of NSW, the Macleay Shire Council, The department of public works, The Department of Lands.

10.  First- The used a tractor to build a 1.8 metre foredune.
      Second- Planting trees along the riverbank for more land support.
      Third- Plant fast growing species.
12. The water just destoryed the entire area.
13. a. The sand dunes were succesfully restabilised and created.
      b. The Macleay River was protected now nad was very succesful.
      c. Now the area was stable and benefitting groups had no problems.


Tweed River 7.6
The role of the local community in managing the Sand dune area is to conserve the barrier and to look after the soil. They must also check up with the soil conservation service of NSW for any advice and assistance in managing the coastal dunes.

The sand barrier is important to the local community of Stuarts point because they need the barrier so their tourism and fishing industries can survive, they also need the barrier for protection of their homes.

There is primary, secondary and Tertiary species of plants on a sand dune, grassers and creepers belong to the Primary species, shrubs and short-lived trees live in the secondary species and Long-lived trees live in the Tertiary species.

Vegetation is vital in stabilising a sand dune system because the vegetation acts as a shield for sand that stops wind erosion from occuring. The plants also act as a shelter for beach animals to live in.

Cattle grazing, caused the plants that inhabited the beach to be taken/eaten away and therefore the sand had no protection from the wind and therefore the sand dunes were eroded by wind erosion.

The sand dune area would have decreased in size after the action of cattle grazing. The geographical processes that would have been altered as a result of cattle grazing were Longshore drift and sand migration would have occured.
The groups involved in the rehabilitation program were the Department of Land, the Department of Public Works, the Macleay Shire council, and the soil conservation service of New South Wales were established in the aim to stabilise the Dune systems.
The stages involved in the managment program undertaken to re-establish the coastal vegetation were: Build a samll fordune 1.8 metres high, a dune-forming fence constructed to help trap wind-blown sand and establish the foredune, foredune then stabilised by spinifex and miram grass.

The Tweed River entrace Sand bypassing project, located in Tweed Heads, NSW. The government transported sand to the tweed river beach and dredged the beach. They extended the breakwaters so longshore drift did not clog up the southern side of the beach.