Wednesday, March 9, 2011



Aesthetics - (also spelled æsthetics or esthetics) is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, and with the creation and appreciation of beauty.

Aesthetics are related to the world because it is what attracts people to things possibly making things more important than others.

Safety - the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions; "insure the safety of the children"; "the reciprocal of safety is risk" a safe place; "He ran to safety"

Safety related to the world because without it injuries and deaths would be present almost anywhere. It is what measures are put in place to keep us healthy and well.

Slums - a run-down area of a city characterized by substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security
Slums relate to the world because it is where many people live and show lucky people like us how lucky we really are to be living where we are living.

Decay - the process of gradually becoming inferior, rotting.
Decaying is a natural process in life. Everything decays eventually and is then put into a cycle.

Reconstruction and renewal - the activity of constructing something again
This relates to the world because its a matter of maintaing things and keeping them functional so people can continue to use something safely.

 Transport - connveyance: something that serves as a means of transportation

Transport is important and relates to the world because everyone moves from point a to b and some use better methods of travelling that distance.

Suburbanisation - a term used to describe the growth of areas on the fringes of major cities. It is one of the many causes of the increase in urban sprawl.
Relates to life and the world because it is a mean of habitat for humans and a place where we can have a community and interact with eachother.

Environmental factors - are those determinants of disease that are not transmitted genetically. In more basic terms, an environmental factor is a caused, aided, or triggered by the environment.

These factors relate to the world becasue they are everywhere and truly determine ewhther we can do something or not.
Light and Sound - Two things that startle the sense of sight and hearing.
Without light and sound there would be no nature. We would not be able to see the beauty of nature or hear the sounds of nature. The world would be nothing since we need life to live.

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